2016/06/11 教育
【難聴】海外からのメッセージ〜102 messages〜

SKY Project 2014〜102 messages〜

“Join us to build a Bridge between our Hearing Friends and the Hard-of-hearing Community.”

The Number of people with hearing loss is increasing every year, but many people have no chance to learn about hearing loss.

In order to promote awareness regarding hearing loss in the world, I started SKY Project. I talked about current situation regarding hearing loss to various people in America and they contributed messages for our Hearing Friends and the Hard-of-hearing Community.

I hope this project inspires you to start a talk with people around you about a new way of communication in order to promote mutual understanding among all people. Now please watch the video with 102 messages from America.

日本の難聴者数は約10人に1人 (※1) と言われていますが、『聞こえのしくみ』について学ぶ機会がほとんどないため、様々な場面で問題が生じています。

難聴の認識を世界に広めるために、アメリカでSKY Projectを企画し様々な方に動画(※2)を使用して難聴の現状を伝え、メッセージを頂きました。


※1:  Japan Trak 2015調査報告より

※2:  難聴関連の動画  http://8bitnews.org/?p=7149

プロデュース :makiko miyatani


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