2015/09/14 政治
【安保法制】安保法制に反対・行動する日本のアーティストがハチ公前でONE PEACE FEST開催 Japanese Artists Against PM Abe’s Unconstitutional Security Bills Throw A Free Festival For Peace

政権与党の自民党と公明党による、集団的自衛権の行使を可能にする安保法制の参院での強行採決が迫る9月12日と13日、渋谷のハチ公前で安保に反対するアーティスト達が ”ONE PEACE FEST”を開催。出演はDJ沖野修也、DELI、山本太郎、三宅洋平、喜納昌吉。





















Japanese artists, DJ Shuya Okino, DELI (a rapper and a city council member of Matsudo City), Taro Yamamoto (Upper House member), Yohei Miyake, Shoukichi Kina threw “One Peace Fest” to oppose PM Abe’s security bills on Sep 12th and 13th in Shibuya, Tokyo. They played music and talked about the current situation, called for the solidarity, right next to one of Tokyo’s largest intersection of Shibuya scramble crossing.



Japan’s ruling parties LDP(Liberal Democratic Party) and Komei Party are likely to forcibly pass the  security bills in the Upper House very soon, probably this week. The security bills are largely considered unconstitutional because the bill will enable Japanese self defence force to go abroad and use forces with allies such as the United States.



After the 311 nuclear disaster, LDP and Komei Party under the PM Abe have been passing undemocratic laws such as the state secrecy law, and further promoting and re-opening “safe” nuclear power plants without fixing Fukushima’s disaster, agreeing controversial “trade agreement” TPP, enforcing more expensive consumption tax, and forcibly constructing a new American military base in Henoko, Okinawa against the popular will of Okinawa people.     Japan has been seeing the continuous and growing surge of protests on various issues. For the security bills, student group SEALDs gathered the momentum, and the protests are spreading all over Japan among the peace loving people.

プロデュース :蜂谷翔子


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