2015/08/25 公式動画
不要品放出市「0円ショップ」について 鶴見済さん原田由希子さんインタビュー Japanese “Really Really Free Market,” Enjoying Alternative Local Economy


Every 2nd Sunday of the month, Mr. Wataru Tsurumi and his friends opens “0yen shop” in Kunitachi, Tokyo. Participants bring things they don’t need, display them on the street, and give it away for free to somebody who wants it. They take unsold goods home.




I interviewed Wataru Tsurumi, the author of “Post-Capitalism Manifesto,” and Yukiko Harada about Kunitachi’s 0 yen shop that’s going for about 3 years.






Shoko: Can I start out with asking what is “0yen shop”?




Wataru: “0yen shop” is a free market to give away things that people don’t need. We started this about 3 years ago. Everyone brings the stuffs and give it away to the passersby.




Shoko: Why did you start “0yen shop”?




Yukiko: He isn’t here today because he’s in abroad right now, but Hikaru Yamashita started a prototype of “0yen shop” in Kouenji where he has his own shop to sell secondhand clothes. He started to sell his clothes for 0 yen and probably it was striking. Even though his second-hand clothes shop went back to normal, he was still wanting to do “0yen shop” somewhere. So he started it on the street, that was the beginning I think.




Wataru: Is that so?




Yukiko: I think so. I think Hikaru was the beginning of this.




Shoko: Why did he sell his things for free in the first place?




Yukiko: Well, there are some interviews about it on the internet. According to him, he thought if he sells things for free, nobody would talk shit on him. And it’ll do it. He can stay afloat with people’s goodwills. So he tried it out. People started to bring more things to him and it was faster than things were selling for free. So he ended up with more things. It’s interesting. I was watching it and thought that there are many people wanting to give their things away. And it doesn’t matter if it’s free.




Shoko: You told me about your dream earlier.




Yukiko: I think you can find a good spot to do this at where you live. It is probably hard to do this in a city you are not familiar with. But if you know the town, it shouldn’t be that hard to find a spot with foot traffic and also where cops don’t bother you. We can find that kind of spots and make ourselves comfortable. It’s kind of like garden trees slowly invading the streets in old towns. Making our free space in subtle ways like that is more fun I think.




Shoko: Is “0yen shop” some kind of experiment for you Mr. Tsurumi?




Wataru: This is an action! This is an anti-capitalistic action. I basically think of this as a street event, street action. It’s ridiculous to produce new things and throw them away in a mass scale to make money. I want to stop activities like that. Instead of making fuss about buying and selling, we just give what we don’t need. If somebody wants it, we give it away. I think of “0yen shop” as a street action to resist against the stupid system.




Shoko: What have you been discovering? It’s been 3 years?




Wataru: We’ve been doing this for about 3 years. Here we don’t have money transaction. So I think people want something that replaces the money transaction, so we end up having lots of conversations. I met so many new people and I started to weave a new relationships with people.




Yukiko: It’s interesting. I can converse with the strangers through the unnecessary things I bring here. That’s a rare practice in daily lives, so it’s fun.




Shoko: You mentioned Hong Kong earlier… Is this popular in overseas?



鶴見さん:海外だと、なんかね、2000年代に入ってから、Really Really Free Marketっていう名前で、これと全く同じような事を、公園とか路上でやる動きが、最初アメリカとか、そこらへんとかで始まって、世界中で同士の人たちが支部をつくって、盛んにやってんですよ。それ、Really Really Free Marketっていうんですけど、まぁなんかアナーキスト系の人たちが中心の担い手とかなったりして、で広まってるんで、ちょっとそういうとこへのシンパシーもある。自分はある。参加者は色々なんで、色んな気持ちでみんな参加してる感じですよね。

Wataru: From 2000s, “Really Really Free Market,” basically the exact same thing we do here, started out in the U.S., and people all over the world started this in their local communities. It’s called “Really Really Free Market.” Anarchists are the centre of this movement so I have some sympathy for them too. At least I do. But everyone has different reasons to come here.




Shoko: You mentioned something that you thought while you were traveling earlier. I thought it was a nice story…



原田さん:なんか言ったっけ?笑 あ、京都とかの話?自分がねここに参加してる理由はね、ただ単に、自分の家の物がすごく多いから、衣替えの度にここに出せば服が無くなるし、本とかも半端に読まないものが、ブックオフとかですっごい安い値段で買い取られるよりは、ここでほんとに読みたい人に直接渡すほうがずっと、自分もすごく、その物、なんていうかな、変な人に渡さないですんだみたいな形でほっとできるところでやっててすごく気持ちがいいんですけど、多分この気持ちは持ってる人いっぱいいて、みんな家にいらないものはけっこうあるから、その土地土地でやればいいなと思っていて、京都とか博多とか遊びに行く度に友達に地元でやったらいんじゃない?とか言って、言ってるけど、今のとこまだそんなに実現はしてないかもしれないけど。ほんとこれがちょこちょこ増えれば、大きいフリマに出すのもいいと思うけど、勝手にやるほうが好きなときにやれるし、あと自分が歩いてる普段の町が、全然知らない人と急に話できて、おもしろくなるみたいなのが、やっぱりすごくいいと思うので、是非みんなやったらいいんじゃないかなと思います。

Yukiko: What did I say? The stuff about Kyoto? I come here simply because I have so much stuff at home. When I change the wardrobe for the new season I bring the old clothes here. And I prefer bringing old books here and give it to someone directly instead of selling it to a shop like BOOK-OFF for dirt cheap. It gives me a sense of relief because I care about my things. People have lots of unnecessary things at home, so I think it’s a good idea to do this in their local communities. I recommend my friends when I travel to Kyoto and Hakata. I don’t think they are doing it though. Bigger free markets are fun too but small ones like these are easier and more free. It gives you a different perspective of your own city. I recommend it.



鶴見さん:俺もね、この意義はもう1つあって、この路上でほんとはこう、公共の場所を有効に市民が使うのってすごいいいことなんだけど、みんななんかこう使わない。使わなくなっちゃってるんで、そういうこう、街頭を利用するというんですか、まぁ、みんなの為になることだったら、そういう意味合いもあってこれはすごいいいことだと思ってる。Wataru: There is another significance in this. Essentially, people making use of public space is a good thing for the community, but people are not really using public space and streets anymore. I think “0yen shop” is a good thing for everyone in that sense too.




Yukiko: After all we’ve been able to keep it going because it’s fun. I can get rid of the things and many interesting things happen. Some people get the anti-capitalism message from this and also it’s fun. It’s a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone solution.




Wataru: That’s the power to resist capitalism. We make connection in the community and have fun, and it naturally becomes a counter to the people who’s making fuss about endless consumption.




Shoko: I don’t like capitalism either by the way, but why you two don’t like capitalism?




Yukiko: There is a strong feeling in me that says that I didn’t get born for money. So many people become unhappy because of money, the same thing for wars. I don’t like how money has become the centre of everyone’s attention and lives. I can’t explain it well though.




Wataru: I have many reasons. The strongest feeling of mine is a skepticism about corporate power. Why they are so strong? You are a loser if you don’t work for a big corporation. And if you do good in that corporation you are a great person. And I hate it. That’s one way to look at life but I prefer the society with more diverse values. Rich are the strongest. I don’t like it. That’s one of the reasons.




Shoko: You go to South East Asia to check out the markets there.




Wataru: Yeah I do. I suppose if the capitalistic corporations invade those places, all those small individual shops will disappear. But for now, small shops and street venders are thriving. That’s the normal way.




Shoko: The normal economy to just make living.




Wataru: Right. Anyone can start a business, and they make money however they want. It’s not about who rules and who gets ruled.




Yukiko: I looked at the map made 50 years ago of the area I live. There are many small shops around my house. Shoe store, seafood store… But now there’s nothing around my house. There is just one big store at the station. Business should be a part of daily living. Kids can understand the economy too. Now corporations own the whole business and the economy. It’s not ours anymore. Even though it may felt troublesome, I think it was better when we had a bunch of small shops in our local communities.




Wataru: When capitalism advances so much, grovellers thrive. It’s strange. Making our own economy is better. So I’m doing “0yen shop.”




Yukiko: People who come by don’t care about capitalism or whatever. They just come by because they find something they like. It’s laid-back.




Wataru: It’s about ecology too. Japanese people have a spirit to take a good care of things and try not to waste things. Of course “0yen shop” has the same philosophy too.





Yukiko: That’s good enough and even better. People feel whatever they feel. I’d like them to enjoy this. I do explain if they ask. When we start some people got angry at me. “Why free!?” or “Is this some sort of religion?” like this. People asked so many questions. They didn’t seem to understand why it’s 0 yen. But people got used to it now.




Shoko: They got mad at you?




Yukiko: Yes. A foreigner. He said he came to Japan to learn how to make money. But I was giving things away for free. So he said what I’m doing here was strange and got angry.




Wataru: He was like “what the hell?”




Yukiko: Conversations are funny. Some people still want to give us money, but I don’t take money. People bring sweets of return sometimes. Sometimes people join in. It’s fun. There are many kinds of people.




Shoko: Thank you.






“Kunitachi 0yen shop” every 2nd Sunday of the month. On the street nearby Kunitachi Station, Tokyo.






“0yen shop” will come to Miyashita Park on 8/30 to join Shibuya Summer Festival hosted by “Nojiren” (A group supporting homeless people in Shibuya, Tokyo)



渋谷夏祭りスケジュール Shibuya Summer Festival schedule

Place 宮下公園  Miyayshita Park

Time 2015/8/30



13:00 集合(宮下公園新階段下)

13:30 衣類・生活用品分配

14:30 共同炊事開始

16:00 缶交換開始 ブース参加者打ち合わせ

16:30 配食

17:00 夏祭り開始 (追悼会 ゲーム屋台)

19:30 盆踊り

20:00 終了


※雨天の場合9月6日の順延 If rains, it will be postponed to 9/6.




Nojiren is collecting donations, clothes, and daily supplies to distribute and support homeless people.


カンパ先 Send donation to

〒150−0011 渋谷区東1−27−8−202

1-27-8-202 Shibuya-ku Higashi


のじれん Nojiren’s twitter @shibuyanojiren






filmed, edited, written by Shoko Hachiya

twitter: @ShokoHachiya

プロデュース :蜂谷翔子


  • さかたと、申します。 2015-08-26 09:19:45
    思いが広がれば いい ですね。
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