2014/09/03 政治
「視野はグローバルに、行動は地元で」ヒップホップアーティストのDELIさんが地元で出馬 明日渋谷でファンディングパーティー “Think Global, Act Local,” A Japanese Hip-Hop Artist Run For A Local Election To Live Up To The Word

政治団体PLANET ROCKを立ち上げ、自身の地元である千葉県松戸市の市議会議員選挙に出馬することを表明したヒップホップアーティストのDELIさんが、明日9月4日に渋谷Social Club Tokyoで2度目のファンディングパーティーを行う。一般は2000円、未成年は無料で入場することができる。


DELI, a Japanese Hip-hop artist, announced that he is going to run for a city council election of Matsudo city, Chiba, his local neighborhood. DELI hosts his second funding party for his newly founded political organization PLANET ROCK, named after a song by Afrika Bambaataa. The funding party is on Sep 4th at Social Club Tokyo in Shibuya. Tickets are 2000yen for adults and minors can get in for free.


8月28日に池袋clubBEDで行われたファンディングパーティーには、DELIさんと関係の深いヒップホップアーティスト、K-DUB SHINE、SUIKEN、DJ OASIS、B-YAS、B.I.G JOEに加え、去年の夏に参議院議員選挙に立候補した三宅洋平さんや、参議院議員の山本太郎さんも出演した。会場は老若男女で満員状態だった。


DELI held his first funding party at club BED in Ikebukuro on Aug 28th. Hip-hop artists closely related to DELI such as K-DUB SHINE, SUIKEN, DJ OASIS, B-YAS, B.I.G JOE attended to support him. In addition, Yohei Miyake, a musician who ran for Upper House election last summer, and Taro Yamamoto, an actor and now an Upper House member, also appeared on stage. Old and young flooded the live house.




Why now artists run for elections in Japan?




It can’t be explained without talking about 3.11 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. Japanese are still dealing with the amount of damage, shock and confusion 3.11 did to Japan, wounds left in people’s hearts, agonizing contradiction, highlighted characters of mass-media and authorities, sticky radiation problems, deep sorrow and anger and fights. And some artists landed on a new perspective, which is to run for elections to mix their values in the real political world where their values are not yet existent. They just couldn’t do nothing.




“Is it TEPCO, the government or the unjust society that I’m fighting against? Perhaps, what I’m fighting against is the widespread ignorance in the society and inside myself. What is necessary is a consciousness revolution in each of us, not a revolution to get rid of someone,” DELI writes.




“What happens with the radioactive exposure of 1 mSv? 1 mSv radiation exposure penetrates every single one of the 80 trillion body cells once,” his lyrics are explicit and have an attitude to seek the truth.




DELI and several Japanese artists are currently co-writing a song. In addition, after DELI wrote a letter to Afrika Bambaataa to borrow the name “PLANET ROCK,” Afrika Bambaataa not only permitted to use the name but also decided to join DELI’s project in support.




“Please love the world in front of you. You can’t be ignorant if you love the world in front of you,” DELI said on the stage.




The election campaign starts on Nov 9th. The election day for Matsudo city council is Nov 16th.

プロデュース :蜂谷翔子


  • 三木 2014-09-06 23:11:46
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