“It is nothing really strange for musicians to express political things in the U.S. or Europe. Is it different in Japan?”
“I want to ask the exact same question,” Mr. Yujiro Yonekawa (28) said.
On Dec 6th, 2013, Mr. Yonekawa was arrested on “suspicion of obstructing executive officers” during the protest against the forcible passage of the state secrecy law by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s regime. About 20,000 concerned protesters gathered around the parliament that night.
「公務執行妨害」で逮捕された米川さんは、出所した後、自分が逮捕された件がマスコミに報道されているのを見た。正社員ではないが週四日〜六日働いている米原さんは、ニュースによると「無職」と表現されていた。「無職はねぇだろ」米川さんは思った。そして彼は報道の音源を拾い、サンプラーを使って、その夜についての曲をつくった。曲名は”Friday Night (Demo)”
After getting out from the jail, Mr. Yonekawa saw the news report about himself. The news said he was “unemployed.” He was not a full-fledged employee, but he was working 4 to 6 days a week, full-time. “’Unemployed’ That’s bullshit,” he thought. Then he wrote a song called “Friday Night (Demo)” by sampling the sound of the news with his sampler.
The dry mechanic voice of a female anchor announcing his arrest plays on the groovy electronic sound. “During the protest against the state secrecy law, Yujiro Yonekawa, unemployed, was arrested for spitting at an officer. He was arrested on the spot on suspicion of obstructing the executive officers.”
「自分のことが報道されたじゃないですか。むかつきましたよあの報道は。『無職』だとか言うし。逆に考えればこれ良い素材じゃないか。もうこれ使えって言ってるようなもんじゃない 。(自分のことが報道されるなんて)ないじゃないですかそんな。いや、別に自慢できることでもないですけど。普通は隠したいことなんだろうけど、逆転の発想ですよねそこは。これ使ってやろうじゃんって話ですよ。やられたんだから。(音楽に)使えるものはなんでも使いますよ」と米川さんは言った。
“The news was talking about me. It was annoying. They identified me as ‘unemployed.’ But it is also a good material to make music out of. It’s like they are saying ‘hey, use this sound.’ This isn’t quite something that I should be proud of. Probably most of the people would want to rather hide it. But I thought about it differently and decided to use the sound. Why not? They arrested me for spitting. So I used them. I use anything to make music.” Mr. Yonekawa said.
After the event, his co-workers said, “I didn’t know that the mass media broadcasts like that for just spitting,” and his landlord warned that “you shouldn’t go to the place like that.”
He went to the protest held around the parliament 2 nights in the raw. On Dec 5th, he went with his friend. On Dec 6th, he went by himself with a bottle of sake and a digital camera. At the crosswalk near the parliament, there was a little trouble between the protesters and the police. The protesters were trying to stop the police from blocking the passage by placing the fence to sabotage the protest. Mr. Yonekawa went to the very front of the trouble near the fence. A young officer provoked and Mr. Yonekawa spitted at the officer. The police started to pulling him, and the protesters tried to pulling him back. His T-Shirt, sweat shirt and jacket were all torn up. He got bruises, and his ear bled.
The police took him to Koujimachi police station. Lawyers who are concerned with the state secrecy law visited him around midnight and told him that he should contact them if something happened because this was a social problem. The police told him, “lawyers like that are expensive. They make money off things like this.” He asked the lawyers how much it would cost. They said about 10,000-20,000 yen (100-200 dollars.)
Mr. Yonekawa said that jail itself isn’t that uncomfortable, but the interrogation is hard because they ask the same question repeatedly and it takes a long time. During the interrogation the officers mostly asked him if he was a member of any political organization. But they seemed to think that Mr. Yonekawa was there to just make some noise.
6日に留置所に行ったあと、翌日まで取り調べがあり、それから別の留置所に移り一泊。8日に東京地検に行って検事と話をし、 午後3時頃に家族が立ち会えなかった為、弁護士の立ち会いのもと出所。約一週間後に不起訴となったことがわかった。
The police arrested him on 6th and interrogated him till the next morning. Then they moved him to a different jail where he spent a night. On 8th, he went to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office to meet a prosecutor. On the same day around 3 p.m. he was released with the attendance of the lawyer. A week later, he knew that his case was dropped.
There was a man “Throwing shoes Mr. A” who was also arrested and currently facing prosecution for obstructing the affair with power. The point of the controversy is if the “power” of his shoes “obstructed” the “affair” of the Upper House.
米川さんは、17歳の頃にAKAI MPC1000という当時わりと最新だったサンプラーを買った。メルツバーグ、ハイノケンジ、DELI、NIPPS、MELT-BANANAやDJ Krushなど、ラップ、ヒップホップ、ノイズなどを中心に聴いていた。AKAI MPC1000は調子が悪くなったため、今はMPC2000XLという少し古い型のサンプラーを使っている。
When Mr. Yonekawa was 17, he bought a sampler AKAI MPC1000, which was fairly new model at the time. He mainly listened to hip-hop, rap and noise artists such as Merzbow, Kenji Haino, DELI, NIPPS, MELT-BANANA and DJ Krush. His AKAI MPC 1000 got broken so now he uses MPC2000XL, which is a bit older model.
The direct reason why Mr. Yonekawa started to participate in political events like protests was Mr. Yohei Miyake’s Senkyo (election) Fest which was held in last July. Mr. Miyake ran for the Upper House election and attempted to mix the musicians’ world-view in the world of delusional politics. And it grew into a new movement in Japan.
Mr. Yonekawa says that his music will not be all about politics, but the politics is something that matters and he has opinions about it. “I will say what I’ve got to say when I think I should,” Mr. Yonekawa said.
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