Shoko: Please tell me about this song, “F**k the Police”
Judah: From the outside it’s pretty self-explanatory coz it’s just saying “Fuck the Police.” It’s not so much just against the police it’s against any establishment that is suppressive to people having a voice. But even then in the song are not just directed at them, any power that trying to make us quiet while they murder us. But I directed back at my people as well. Because as a Black man I witnessed a lot of violence in my own community so. If you listen to the second verse I was speaking about “how can we be mad at anyone while we’re killing each other” so. I wanna make sure everybody understands. Oh the shit sucks, and the only way to fix it for us is to take responsibility and to come together. At all sides. My people as well as the establishment built to hold us down and suppress us and control us like cattle. And there’s a lot of screaming because I just have so much anger. If I didn’t scream I probably literally be on the news beating people. lol
Shoko: Did you write this song as a response to Minneapolis police murdering Mr. George Floyd?
Judah: Crazy thing is as an artist you are in tune with things a little early. I actually wrote that song 5 years prior. But it was the time seeing what was going on, and it’s been going on, but this is finally recorded. They’ve been treating us like this, yeah. But finally they had to see it. So it sucks you have to sacrifice, his life was sacrificed for everyone to see it. But I knew it was time, this needs to come out now. But the song I already had been written I believe 5 years prior. But I never really pushed it out because the people were scared. But now everybody’s all fired up because they’ve seen this video.
But the crazy thing is the same thing happened with Martin Luther King. If it wasn’t on the video, America would still treat us crazy. The reason why Martin Luther King was so powerful was because the television was showing these people around the world that they were putting dogs on us with no weapon, putting fire holes on us with no weapon, police beating us and we have no weapon, while we were marching peacefully just to ask to be considered as a human being. Not to be better, just to be considered as a human being. That’s crazy. That’s insane. How long did you not consider me as a human being? Like that’s insane, that makes no sense. His peaceful protest would not work without the eyes of the millions of people around the world seeing how shitty America actually was, towards us. People act like it was a long time ago that was just 60’s. That’s not that long ago. There are still people alive from that in power from that time. So they still have a different mentality. They still see us as animals and they are still running things in our country. So it’s not that far off.
翔子:システム化された人種差別(systemic racism)についてどう思う?
Shoko: What do you think about systemic racism?
Judah: That exists. They are like, why don’t you get your own land?? We had our own land. We got bombed by our own country. We got bombed twice in the United States. They don’t teach in the history books. Black people created their own town you know just like everybody, China town, Japan town, Little Italy, we had our own town. They bombed it twice. Tulsa Oklahoma (1921) and Philadelphia, Black Wall Street (1985).
This is what happens. if you push animal in the corner, it’s gonna fight for its life. And my people have been in the corner for 400 years. so there is a lot of aggression built up as well. But because of how we are there is also a lot of compassion. So that’s the hard part for us in general. I can’t speak for everyone. But for us because we actually care about people. This is what I think that people fear especially that power being the white people. Because they have treated us so terribly for years so I think we just want revenge when we all really need is just to get the fuck alone so we can build just like everyone else in the society. Like why should I have to tell my son or daughter to be careful to walk down the street because you might get arrested for something that you didn’t do or you might get beat up by the people who sworn to protect you. That’s crazy. That’s whole another form of suppression or whole another… Like how soldiers have PTSD because of the hostile environment. How do they think we feel? Living in a similar environment?
We had interment camps for Japanese and all kind of stuff. For ones they lived here during the retaliation bombing. So that people who lived here, family down here for generations, they built stores and communities. And the people are put in the camp just like holocaust. Right here in the American soil. Because America is so racist they probably had other Asians in there because they looked the same. A lot of people lost their lives, lost their properties, lost everything they saved and worked for. Chinese they had a similar experience. They helped America a lot too, rail roads and different kind of technology too. But they got treated like foreigner and trash and less than white people. A lot of people went through that not just us. Our experience as Black people are different here because we were brought here as slaves. Other people were allowed to work and what not. To work or own property. But we were regarded as animals, as cattle, for a very long time.
ジュダ:いつも感じていたよ。ぼく達は知っている。白人の友達と運転している時と、黒人の友達と運転している時、メキシコ人の友達と運転している時で、違いがある。君が特定の何かに見えれば、警察は君の邪魔をするだろう。それは肌の色だけじゃないんだ。もし君が貧しく見えたり、ボロい車に乗っていたりすると、君が警察に止められる可能性は高くなる。警察は頭の中で自動的に想定し始めるんだ。君がドラッグを持っているかもしれないとか、ギャングのメンバーかもしれないとか、何かしらの違反チケットをきれるだろうってね。いい車に乗っていれば、警察に止められる可能性は低くなる。だけど次は、どうしてこういう人間が、こんないい車に乗っているのかな?と今度は来るわけだ。ひどいよ。こういうことに慣れてはいけない。そういう時、「どういうつもりで僕を止めたんですか?」となる。彼らは民主主義のシステムの中で、民主的な環境で仕事をしている。だけど実態は違うんだ。警察官は腰に銃を装備している。人間が銃を持っている時、法律は存在しなくなる、彼らが法律なんだ、警察官たちはそんな風に感じている。銃を持っている自分が、目の前の状況の結末を決める権利があると感じているんだ。だけど僕は、周りのたくさんの人達が銃を持っている環境で育ったから、怖くないんだ。そういうわけでケンカになる。僕に対して見下した態度で、人間じゃないような態度に出てくるなら、お前はそんなに大した人間じゃないんだろう、となる。それが理解できないなら、男として1つは理解できることがあるだろう?ケンカだ。…だから車に女性が乗っている必要があるんだよ。笑 男っていうのは、エゴの塊だからね。
Shoko: San Diego Police stop Black people at a rate 219 percent higher than White people. This is a statistics I learned this year, 2020. Did you always feel it?
Judah: I always felt. Yeah. We know. Like there’s a difference when you are driving with a white friend, and when I’m driving with my black friend or Mexican friend. They are gonna bother you if you look like a certain thing. It’s not just based on your skin. If you look poor. If you have a crusty car, you will get pulled over a lot more. Because they automatically assume that you might have a drug on you or you are a member of a gang or they know they can give you a ticket for something. There will be a registration. But if you have a nice car, you will get pulled over less. But you will still get pulled over because they gonna say “Hey, why is this different kind of guy has a nice car?” So it’s fuckin… It’s a terrible part you shouldn’t get used to it. You should be like “Hey, Fuck you. why are you pulling me over? This is where you should be able to come in in a democratic environment, in democracy. But it’s not because when someone has a gun on their hip, there is no law, the law is them, and that’s how they feel. I have a gun so I can decide the outcome of the situation. But what I’m gonna do is, I come from an environment where a lot of people have guns, so that doesn’t scare me. So that’s how you get into fight. I’m like, OK you are not that good, if you are not talking to me as a human being, as a man. And if you don’t understand that, then there is one thing I know men understand. Let’s fight. So…that’s why you want a woman in your car. Coz me are ego ego ego ego ego.
Shoko: Why did you make your cover art aggressive?
Judah: My cover looks aggressive because that’s how I feel. But if you look at it, honestly bullets are coming at me. I’m screaming because I’m not gonna be afraid so it shows me screaming while I’m getting shot. But it’s like, I don’t give a fuck because you’ve done so much to my people including murder them, so I’m gonna scream whether I get murdered or not. And I don’t care as long as the message gets across.
It has soul power. It has soul power when I’m on fire. Music puts me on fire. So you can’t touch me when I’m on fire. You can’t put me out, you can’t put my fire out. I’ll sing while I’m getting shot, I don’t care. There’s nothing you can do to my music. It lives forever. Even if I don’t become famous and all that bullshit. My music will live forever. Somebody will hear it. That’s more than enough. As long as I can go a couples of miles to see something different, then I have succeeded. Music came to me for free. The only reason I put it on the platform is because that’s how it gets spread everywhere. Money, I can make my own money. This is for free, this is my spirit, the spirit can’t have a price.
A lot of people don’t know that Black people created country, created rock, created… you know all these things came from … country came from the blues. At that time, most European Americans had nothing to complain about. So blues is actually our expression coz we just came out from slavery. But it was still sucky, we couldn’t get a job. If they paid us they paid us like one penny for the entire day. And we still had to live in a segregated place, Black here, White here. So this came from my soul, that was an expression. Rock too, rock was a rebellious music. That was us, saying, like me, rebuilding it again, fuck you! that’s what it was saying. But also expressing things we still encounter even doing all this bullshit and you still go through love battles and family issues and what not coz you still have to live as a human being. But with all that going on and that on top of everything we were doing. So that was us scream, our cry out. And like you were saying it wasn’t just aggressive and anger but also love and compassion and just not understanding why people would treat somebody so differently because of the color of the skin. Especially some people that help them become wealthy, made the country bright. This is crazy, makes no sense to me. That’s what pisses me off. White people got rich off free labor from my people. Free labor for hundreds of years. We helped fight the wars. If it wasn’t for us helping them fight Hitler, then they wouldn’t even be over here to have a beautiful place to live too. So it’s just crazy I don’t understand.
Shoko: How do you feel about being categorized or called “African American”?
Judah: I’m glad it exists because we are different. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I think it’s OK for everybody to have difference. Things I don’t appreciate is to be turned down for things because of it. Like harder to get loans for homes, harder to get a loan for business, harder to get accepted somewhere, and college. But at the same time, it’s OK, what you do is we always gonna rise from the ashes like we have and that’s no problem. But at the same time, I wish it would fuckin stop. But it just won’t stop there are people like I said in the beginning that there are people alive from this time who thought this was an correct ideology. So there are still law makers, governors, working with president, these people are still alive from the time that they thought that their people were superior to us because of the color of their skin even though we did everything for them. Even as enslaved people we watched their kids, we made their food, we built their homes, we created the musics, we took care of the crops…WE DID THE EVERYTHING! but we didn’t get credit for it because we were not considered human, so they got the credit for it. There are so many inventors from my people they got shut down because at the time they were doing things they weren’t considered as people. And we were not even supposed to learn how to read. They used to kill us for reading. Coz knowledge is the form of freedom. So anything that will get you out, they were against.
Even our songs we had to make special codes. That’s why a lot of our music is in certain way. That’s why I take pride in saying it straight out. For so many generations we had to make our music in codes. Or else… we would be murdered for saying a certain thing. Till we got to say it in the codes. Disguise the words. Like you couldn’t make a song “Fuck the Plantation” back then. You will get murdered immediately, yeah, as rebellious. So I take pride in my rebellious nature.
Shoko: Do you like America for the freedom of expression?
Judah: I like that part, but even that is not complete freedom. You have a freedom to say what you want but you still have to be ready to face the consequences. Think about Martin Luther King, peaceful, shot in the fuckin head. That’s it. There is a consequence of your action. Even the White, even the White speak out against the power, like JFK, he was also murdered. He’s the President. They murdered their own President because he wanted to treat people equal.
So I myself have been in a couple of fights with police. And no gun or badge had protected them. So for me it’s very personal, why are you even bothering me? One. Second, I’m a man just like you are. So there is no need for you to talk down to me. There is no need for you to pretend like my rights don’t exist. We gonna fight. Whatever happens after that is gonna happen because I refuse to be treated like a less than a human-being. I’m a human-being, you are being crazy. So I don’t know, I don’t understand certain things, I can’t understand just sitting and seeing someone kick your ass. We gonna fuckin fight and if I die I die. Coz that’s human nature. Humans forget how we are closely related to animals. And they forget instincts and all this shit because everything is built on society, societal rules. We created this illusion of this intellectual philosophical society of how things should be, as opposed to how things really are run. It’s OK we gonna have instincts we are born with this. If somebody is picking on me, I don’t like Martin Luther King saying hey just let me punch me and I’m just gonna laugh. Have you ever thought about punching a lion? No. You know better, you don’t fuckin punch a lion. It’s a lion! So the same mistake, don’t try to push me around, watch me and tell me especially when I’m not doing anything wrong. The only thing I’m doing wrong is to wear this beautiful protective melaniated skin that I’m blessed with creation, then fuck you, I’m gonna fight, I’m a lion.
Shoko: Do you make your music in the studio?
Judah: Just my ideas. Like I knock my ideas at home. Then I go to the big studio. Coz I actually have someone who can really play the guitar. Someone who can really play the bass. And then like I make some of the drum stuff at home. And I have some of the songs at home. On the computer I can kind of recreate the guitar. Like kind of how I want it. Then they go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shoko: I heard great guitar in the song.
Judah: That’s a sample from Jimi Hendrix, one of the greatest. That song is from a “Voodoo Child” Because at his time, he was a rebel from his time. So it matches my spirit. When I heard that music I felt it deep in my soul. I think he would approve.
ジュダ:耳を持っている人ならだれでも。警察が好きな人、嫌いな人、子ども、おばあちゃん、色んな人に聴いてほしい。悪戦苦闘している人々に、僕は味方だと知ってほしい、そして僕らが変えないといけないこともあると。聴く必要がある人みんなに聴いてほしい。ギャングスターにも、コミュニティーで見過ごされている人にも。ギャングスターや革命家はコミュニティーの中で注目される、だけどコミュニティーっていうのはそういう人達だけじゃない。おばあちゃんや子ども達やおばさんおじさん、普通の仕事をしている人達、色んな人達がいる。そして彼らは大事な存在なんだ。普通の人達がただ普通に暮らせることが大切なんだ。僕らは自分の運命をわかっている。ギャングスターはおそらく銃弾を受けて死ぬだろう。革命家はおそらく銃弾を受けて死ぬだろう。1発は自分と同じ人々から、もう1発は自分の政府から。だけどほとんどの人はそんな風には感じない。そして彼らには平和に暮らす資格があるんだ。誰も彼らの為に声を上げたりしないだろう。だから誰かがそれをする時はすごくパワフルなんだ。2 PAC やボブ・マーリーを見てみて。僕と同じ黒い肌の人々は、彼らのことを永遠に忘れない。彼らは普通の人達の為に唄っていたからね。だから僕も自分の音楽が、ギャングスターや革命家のように強烈な内なる炎を持っている人々の間で見過ごされている人々に触れてほしい。僕が彼らの味方で、彼らのために反抗的に悪態をつくことを恐れていないと知ってほしい。もし彼らの声が誰にも届いていないなら。
Shoko: Who do you want to listen to your music?
Judah: Whoever has ears, there is no… I have people who like the police to listen to my song, people who hate the police to listen to my song, kids, grandma, whoever… I want the people in the struggle to know that I’m with them but as well as to know that I see like there are things we have to change as well. So whoever needs to hear it. I want the gangsters to hear it too. People in the community who are over-looked, because in the community they only look at like revolutionary, gangsters, there are so many people in between here. Grandma, kids, aunty, uncle, living a regular life jobs, so many people in between here, between the fiery people. And they matter, this is why we are doing this so they can just live. Like, we know our fate. It’s OK. Gangster knows he’s probably gonna die from a gun shot, a revolutionary knows he’s probably gonna die from a gun shot, one from his own people and one from their own government. And there are so many people in between who don’t feel that and they deserve to be able to live just peacefully. Like nobody speaks out for them, that’s why it’s so powerful when someone does, like look at 2 PAC, look at Bob Marley. My people remember these people forever because they spoke up for the people in between which is almost everybody. So for me that’s I want my music to touch, people in between, that I let them know I got their back, and I’m not afraid to talk shit for them. If their voice is not heard. Because fuck it, that’s why.